And if you look closely you'll see the only instance of JD smiling...

Hank still has no chip for the season, but his goal of cashing in every tourney is in tact.
The season race is still tight. Baklava falls to third after missing this week. Pablo moves to fourth just ahead of Tim and Phil. Three players are tied for the eighth and final TOC spot - Gracy, Jim, and SeanSP. And finally, I'm going to make a tourney one day soon - maybe Five Card Draw. Look for the guy with the T-shirt that says "Bearded Mike is a bitch and not even in the Top 8."
Thanks again to Sean for hosting - I heard it was a great location with a full side game shortly after the final table began.

I guess flopping 10 sets of threes would eventually catch up with anyone. JD took me out with a set of 4s that endup quads even though my straight draw came in. Omaha is tough, I paid Mike his $5, but Hank is still a tool.
To take a last longer bet against me is like taking Tim spending the night in jail.....You are going down no matter happens...
That extra taking in there ruins the insult...damn it
your still a tool
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