This is Baklava after Event 1 in the Fall:

GPT "Rookie" Sean SP took 2nd.

The start of the Fall season saw several new faces and a lot of returning ones. Of course, we all mourned the loss of T-Bone, who has moved farther south. His bold bluffs and copious eyebrows will be missed.
TOC player Keith K-Dogg shattered the re-buy record on Sunday with a stunning 14 re-buys. With his add-on, he would have just doubled his money by winning the whole thing. Instead, he was the first person out after the re-buy session expired (one player withdrew before that point). If memory serves, that’s the same fate that befell the previous record-holder. The top five finishers, who took home a combined $440, collectively bought if for the same $85 as K-Dogg.

Several new players did well yesterday with Sean SP and his wife Julie making the last six. The final table included three new players and seven returners. Lee was the first off the final table, followed shortly by Phil Frenchie. Next out was Tim Blue Steel and then LongShot Pablo.

Julie went out of the bubble after battling with the short-stack for much of the final table. Big Jim was the first out in the money and scored 19 points for the day. After bobbing and weaving for about two hours, Hank SPF 60 went out next, followed by JD. On a flop of TTJ Baklava and Sean got all-in, with Baklava holding a better kicker and Sean drawing for three outs.
You want Mike to put it where?

Shelley "The Heat"

Frenchie Phil

And finally, in a surprise to no one:

I think Hank is hot
You have an ID Hank so use it!
Hank is gay
This isnt hank that thinks hank is hot...
okay then... You have an ID Mike so use it!
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