Cardplayer review of poker in Gainesville
The question is how someone could do a profile on poker here and not interview Hank? Or at least someone else who plays poker "like it's his job," or who played in the Series.
She's not in our games, why?
The GPT is dead. Long live mixed games!
OK Hank, get on your myspace account and find this girl. She needs an invite to the next event!
not bad
not bad
Been there done that
couldnt find her on myspace myself but checked out facebook. this chick is 20 years old... too young for mike (by 15 years), too young for hank (by 5 years, although shes probably more mature) and too old for me (by 5 maybe 4 years).
just in case anyone hasnt seen the article (http://www.alligator.org/pt2/060322poker.php)
"His (Keith's) grades have dropped, and he's even considered quitting school to play poker full time."
do i even need to sign this post?
TBONE aka statutory rapist
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