Young "Gus" Dan avenged his loss to Hank in a heads-up match two weeks ago (holding quads no less) by dominating play at the final table. He built a huge chip lead and used it to bully opponents, raising almost every pot he entered. Of course, if someone fought back with an all-in move he called as, at worst, a small dog. Gus played Big Stack Poker, battering the final table until getting Phil McGroid heads-up. Phil's 24 points for second gives him 100 for the year, and a virtual tie for third place on the season.
Despite a relatively early exit by Baklava he maintains second place on the season with 107 points. However, Hank's four titles and eight total cashes give him a huge lead with 162 points at the half-way point. We have now played every game in the rotation, and will have a big (bigger buy-in, no re-buy) Hold'Em tournament coming soon.
Finally, the post-tournament cash games have finally gotten some traction and we had an active late-night table for the third tournament in a row. Congratulations to Doug who, although busting out on the bubble, crushed the cash game despite thinking an 8-low was a pat hand in ace-to-five triple draw.