Young Dan's downward spiral continued and he was the second out. Shelley took a huge chip lead into the final four but busted out on the bubbled after losing a couple of big hands. Bearded Mike went out on the picture bubble (but cashed, bitches), which is fine because instead we had the cute Brokeback Duo again. Hank and Chris battled HU for quite a while, leading to the picture below, and Hank saying "heads-up five-card draw sucks!"

"Do I have a set of 6s?"

"Heads-up five-card draw sucks!"


The current Top 8 are Hank, Baklava, Jim, Chris, Phil McGroin, Bearded Mike, Sean, and Kelvin. Chris, Sean, and Kelvin all have only four tourneys, so that's pretty damned good. Hank, Baklava, and Young Dan get gold stars for perfect attendance.