The list had 9 names but the game wasn't running. I had a killer migraine (too many jello shots and cigars and not enough water I'm guessing) but I really wanted to play this game. They told me it was about to come together and it did about 20 minutes later.
I bought in for 300 and they used $3 chips which I had never seen there. My first HE hand was a walkover and the second I raised with QTo from the small and took the BB. Then it was a painful head and not much play. I quickly learned this games comes together every Saturday. I was one of two strangers at the table - they were holding seats for people including "Sarge" who apparently is the action player.
Unfortunately most of my action came in HE and O8. I had a good spot in razz and RR the completion with ace up and 47 down but I bricked off against 2 people catching good and had to dump it. In the second round of HE I limped behind a couple of limpers with Q8 spades. The flop came Q high and I bet after it was checked to me. I got one call from the only other stranger 2 spots behind. Turn was another queen and I led and he raised. I flat called because if he was bluffing a raise does little, there were no obvious draws (T and rag on board) and if he did happen to have a queen it likely would be better. River was a K and I checked to give a bluffing hand another chance, and to avoid losing another bet to a better queen. He bet, I called, and he showed ace-high saying "I was hoping you'd fold." Yeah, can't do that with three queens.
Only other big hand was O8 the second round when I limped AQd T5h. Flop was A and T one diamond and I raised an early lead. Called in two spots and by the better. At least two of these are going low. Turn was a 9d giving me two pair and the nut flush draw and bricking a low. Checked to me I bet and all 3 called. River was a diamond...oh, and a ten, so I have tens full. I probably have the high with the flush. First player bets and the one seat calls before Doug can act. Then Doug lifts his hand up and says that ten might have been bad for him, and I have to ask him to please protect his hand - the one seat is a friend of his, and although I don't think he's even looking, the cards are flashing him. The one seat never took the bet back but after Doug called I asked to be sure that that money was in the pot before I made the obvious raise to built the pot between me and the quarters. The lead called, Doug folded, and the one seat called. I announced tens-full and the nut-flush. In a home game might have been fun to do it the other way. The dealer actually announced my flush and I said no, I'll go with the boat. Either was good and it was a nice pot.
I packed up after a few razz hands - I just couldn't take it. Jill had brought me Advil and $160 of video poker winnings that she made off of a 20, but my head never got better.
I finished up a whole $4 - stud games are expensive when you have a lot of unplayable hands - or 0 after toking 1 and pocketing one 3-dollar souvenir. It sucked playing mostly flop games but it was nice to be up in my first HORSE game in a casino, and among a regulars' game.